Elite Basketball and Volleyball Drillmasters Shop!





Welcome athletes! 

For those of you who do not know about my blog/website, Elite Basketball and Volleyball Drillmasters my site aims to assist those athletes who play either basketball or volleyball in becoming more skilled in their sport. I provide in depth workouts, diet strategies, and valuable information about the sports to help those athletes who want to improve their games. 

For those of you who have been following up on my page and taking the time to look through all the material, I hope it has been beneficial for you. 

My overall goal is to provide beneficial information on the sports, drills, training/workout routines, diet plans and much more that will in the end lead athletes to become better at either basketball or volleyball. 


I have recently created some products that are for sale from my site. The products include T-shirts, sweatshirts, tank tops and more. I am really proud and excited how the products turned out and am looking forward to seeing my fans wear the merchandise. The pricing of the Elite Basketball and Volleyball Drillmasters products are reasonable in my opinion. 

In the future I will be doing giveaways to my fans including the products for sale now. 

The link to my merchandise is as follows:  https://www.cafepress.com/elitebballandvballdrillmasters

If you have any further questions or concerns do not be afraid to reach out. 

Contact: elitebballandvball@gmail.com
There are many benefits to owning some Elite Basketball and Volleyball Drillmasters clothing. The following are some of the benefits:
  • clothing is made of very comfortable material
  • the clothing matches with almost anything
  • reasonable for the average person 
  • represents an online website that you are a fan of
  • intrigues others as to what the clothing is
  • shows your determination to want to excel in either basketball or volleyball
With the many benefits that come with wearing Elite Basketball and Volleyball Drillmasters clothing I would say it is a pretty good idea to purchase some merchandise if you can. 

Asking a customer their thoughts on his Elite Bball & Vball Drillmasters shirt
I received a photo of one of my fans wearing his white long-sleeve shirt that he purchased from my shop, saying how much he loved it. I wanted to ask him a couple more questions about his shirt and purchase as I would like to fix any problems had there been any. The questions and responses I received consisted of: 
  • Question: How do you like the material of the shirt? 
  • Answer: "The material is super comfortable, I never want to take off the shirt since it feels so nice to wear."
  • Question: What were your thoughts on the pricing of the shirt? 
  • Answer: "I felt that roughly $24 for a long sleeve shirt was a pretty reasonable for me. That seems like an appropriate price for a long sleeve shirt in my opinion." 
  • Question: What do you think of the logo and writing on the shirt?
  • Answer: "The logo is my favorite part of the shirt for sure! The writing is unique and I love how it is in all caps." 
  • Question: Thank you so much for helping my site out with your purchase and representing my blog. Do you have any other thoughts or concerns on the shirt?
  • Answer: "Of course! I love reading your blog and looking at all the material since I want to become a better volleyball player. I do not have any other thoughts or concerns, good job with the design!"
Visit the Blog
Start Shopping


Here is one of my favorite items from my shop. This gray hoodie zip up is made of comfortable and reliable material and is perfect to be worn wherever you go!


What's on sale

Here is another one of my personal favorite products! Visit my site to view all the other items available for purchase! 


There are a variety of colors and types of shirts located on my site. All you have to do to view these products is click the "Start Shopping" button right above the pictures of the shirts. There are clothes available for both male and female fans, and the sizes make the clothing applicable for children and adults. There are sweatshirts, short sleeve T-shirts, long sleeve T-shirts, zip up hoodies, and tank tops readily available to be purchased and worn by fans all over the world! I appreciate all of those who have purchased Elite Basketball and Volleyball Drillmasters clothing and also those who plan on buying something in the future. If you have purchased clothing, let me know what you think of it or if you are waiting for your clothing to be delivered, let me know how it is once you get it. 
With that in mind, I hope everyone is doing well otherwise and is getting through this very strange time we are having throughout the world with Covid-19 and the many unknown aspects of the virus. Stay positive, stay connected with family and friends and stay safe. 

I am planning on doing a giveaway of three short sleeve T-shirts from my shop throughout the week. You sign up for the giveaway by visiting my blog from the button reading "Visit the Blog" above the pictures of the shirts. After going the blog simply fill out the Contact Form located on the bottom right side of the page. Doing so will allow me to know who signed up for the giveaway and who is interested in my material. 

Winners will be chosen out of complete randomization. I will be closing the giveaway applicants on Friday, November 6th and will announce one winner on each day starting Monday, November 9th through Wednesday November 11th. 

For those of you who unfortunately do not win from the giveaway, do not get upset or take it to heart as there will be more giveaways and chances to win some clothing/merchandise in the future! 
I hope everyone has a great week, and is able to get a lot of training, practicing, working out and proper eating done throughout the week to assist in your basketball and/or volleyball skills! I am very excited on my improvement with my site and clothing store, and look forward to what is to come in the near future. Go kill it out there!
Copyright © *2020* *|Elite Basketball and Volleyball Drillmasters*, All rights reserved.

