Form Shooting Drill for Basketball

 Here is one beginner drill to work on when you are first getting acclimated with basketball:

  • Form shooting drill with 1 hand first, and two hands second 
  1. Grab a basketball and stand approximately two feet away from the rim. 
  2. Right-handed shooters put your right foot in line with the center of the basket and pointed toward the basket. For left-handed shooters it is the opposite. 
  3. Take your opposite foot and place it shoulder width apart and moved about an inch or two behind the dominant foot. 
  4. Next, bend your knees at a comfortable angle (around 45 degrees)
  5. Hold the ball on the palm of your dominant hand facing upward, leaving your other hand at your side. 
  6. Bring the ball up toward your face, getting ready to shoot the ball. Do not align the ball directly in your sight of view. 
  7. Your dominant arm should now be at a 90 degree angle.
  8. Spread out your fingers holding the ball and bend your wrist. The ball should sit on the finger pads or your hand. 
  9. Make sure your index finger is located at the center of the ball. 
  10. Double check your form prior to shooting. 
  11. Aim at the front of the rim. 
  12. Shoot the ball with one hand, using your legs and extending upward, ending up on your toes. (shooters get majority of their power by using their legs, so do not leave that out!)
  13. Hold the follow through with your arm up and hand looking like you are reaching in a cookie jar. 
  14. Grab your rebound and repeat the process for about 50 shots or more. 
  15. After about 50 shots, you can begin using your non-dominant hand to assist with your shot. 
  16. Your non-dominant hand should be placed on the ride of the ball (opposite your dominant), not putting too much pressure on the ball, but allowing for more support, and use your dominant hand as you were just taught. 

For those of you who are more visual learners these videos will be more helpful: 
