Interview With College Baseball Player

To help get another perspective on the topics I am covering I interviewed my brother, who plays baseball in college. He previously played basketball, football and baseball all throughout high school, but he decided to go to school for baseball. I wanted to ask him a couple questions about work ethic, motivation and determination and how much these subjects helped him in becoming the athlete he is today. 

The first question I asked him was: What kind of work ethic do you have, and do you feel that helped you in becoming the player you are today? 

His response: "My work ethic is very productive. I work on my game each and every day and have always made sure to workout in the meantime before or after practices. I put 110% of effort into each exercise, drill or workout I am doing, that way I am well prepared for each game. Without the work ethic I have, I would be nowhere near where I am now as a player."

The next question: What drives you to be as motivated as you are? Why? 

His response: "I am a very competitive person. No matter if it is a practice or a game I want to be first in everything. I feel I am mostly motivated because I want to make my family proud and the game of baseball just really makes me happy and I can be myself while playing. Making my family proud has always been one of my goals in life. Having goals in sports and in life help to make you work harder, and that's what I do every day."

Final question: What would you recommend to athletes who are looking to get better at the sport they are pursuing? 

His response: "Work hard each and every day, no matter how bad you don't want to put in the work that day. Never give up on yourself. Practice makes perfect, remember that."


For just an example of the average day of a D1 college baseball player, follow the link provided:
