Profile (Kobe Bryant)

Kobe Bryant, one of the most successful basketball stars to have lived on the earth, is known for having the most insane work ethic, which helped him to become as successful and skilled as he was. I think everyone on the earth knows who Kobe Bryant is, simply because of how good of a player he was and how hard he worked towards his craft. 

Kobe was always the first player in the gym for practices and the last player to leave. He was one of the most competitive and driven players in the history of basketball. He was not afraid to play against anyone, since his confidence in himself and his game play was so immense. 

Rather than the usual one versus one game up to eleven, in high school Kobe would challenge his teammates to games up to 100. He never lost one of these matchups, and even in his worst game Kobe would still win by over 80 points. 

Shaquille O'Neal, Kobe's longtime teammate and fellow superstar, stated he would consistently see Bryant working on his game in the gym without a basketball. He would dribble, shoot, do everything one would normally do with a basketball, but instead he did not have one in his hands and O'Neal said he thinks doing this helped Kobe's game. 

Although Bryant was very tough on his teammates on the Lakers, he drove them all to become better players by being as hard on them as he was. He wanted his teammates to be as competitive and talented as they could be, to help win games and become a better team overall. 

Earlier in Bryant's career in the NBA he injured his right arm. One of his teammates was excited because he knew he would finally beat Kobe to the gym knowing Bryant could not play with an injured arm. He was wrong. When his teammate walked into practice he saw Bryant there drenched in sweat still putting in the work with a cast on as he would normally do when he was healthy. 

Kobe was a one of a kind athlete and had a work ethic like no other. If you drive yourself to become the best player you can be and have the mindset that you are better than anyone who walks into the gym, you will be successful. 

If you would like to research more about Kobe Bryant, the player and his normal life visit this blog: 
