Some Basic Information on Basketball and Volleyball

 Basketball: Basketball is a sport that requires many skills, some being more important than others, but they are all essential to becoming a complete basketball player. 

  • The first main requirement to entail is athleticism. It is important to be able to have some athletic charisma to yourself in order to make the proper moves when playing. Although there are many people who are quite athletic and do not have much talent in the sport, being athletic will be helpful to advance in the sport. 
  • The next required skill is dribbling. Basketball is nothing without dribbling. Dribbling allows players to move up and down the court, get around defenders, and make plays. Ball control, ball handling and finger spacing is key to becoming a skilled dribbler. Knowing how to dribble well with both hands is very important. 
  • Shooting is another skill that is essential to being an effective basketball player. Properly holding the ball and throwing it towards the basket, avoiding defenders, helps with shooting the ball. Precise aim, arm extension, and jumping come with a solid basketball shot. The three different basketball shots are: layups, jump shots, free throws.
  • Running and passing are the next skills needed for basketball. Having good speed and stamina will only be more helpful for your basketball game. There is a lot of running in basketball, especially in full court games. Passing to one's teammates in the sport and mastering the art of passing can make you a very complete player. Passing allows your teammates to score, helping your team win games overall.
  • Jumping is the final basic skill that can make you stand out among other players if your jumping ability is advanced. Jumping is needed to shoot th
    e ball, rebound, block shots, catch a high pass, and many other aspects of the game. (some basketball fundamentals)

Volleyball: Volleyball also has some basic skills that are necessary to coming a better player. 
  • Passing is thought the be the most important skill in volleyball. Passing is the first step in setting up a play to score a point. Without a good pass, your team will struggle to score. 
  • Serving can be immensely helpful to a player's game. Serving aggressively and locating where to serve smartly will allow one's team to score many points and win games. 
  • Blocking in volleyball is also important for players and teams. Blocking a hard spike will deny the chance of having a bad pass and ultimately earning points. 
  • Digging is the final skill needed in volleyball. Being able to dig difficult spikes and effectively pass the ball to the setter will give your volleyball game an edge over others. 
  • (some basic volleyball fundamentals)
