Critiquing Laziness

Being lazy is the last component an athlete needs when looking to become a successful player. An athlete who is lazy and puts the least amount of effort and work into whichever sport he or she is playing will not be as successful as he or she would be if they were not lazy. The most victorious and well-known athletes are the ones who have the strongest motivation, drive and work ethic compared to others. Athletes like Michael Jordan, Usain Bolt, Serena Williams, Conor McGregor, Jenny Finch and many more put in so much work of practicing and training to help them become elite in the sports they compete/competed in. 

Every athlete needs to find that drive or motivation to train at least five times a week for their sport and get in the proper shape they should be in, in order to excel in the sport. I understand that everyone can be lazy at times and that is totally acceptable. I am not saying to go over the top and train until your heart stops, but I am encouraging all athletes to not give up on their dreams of becoming a professional athlete and push themselves to get better every day. 

Finding a good routine for yourself and looking for solid workouts to complete in order to enhance your skills and strength is important. Once you do so, you will feel more comfortable with working on your game and will have no reason not to train. 

I hope you all find this helpful. Get on that grind athletes!
