One main problem that athletes deal with after failing or making mistakes each game/practice, or not living up to the expectations that everyone thought expected of him/her is that it leads to these athletes to give up on the sport they love. Making mistakes is normal and okay! If everyone never made mistakes everyone in the world would be perfect and there would be no type of competition between others. It is important to learn from your mistakes and take them to help you form into a better athlete/person overall. 

Never give up on the sport that makes you the most happy. I have learned this from experience. After playing volleyball all throughout middle school and high school, for my senior year of high school I did not even consider playing volleyball in college, not because I was not good enough, but just because I never thought it was the right choice for me. Looking back, I regret not at least trying to play volleyball in college as that was the sport that made me the happiest. 

Other athletes get down on themselves if they do not get in the game much or if they are not seen as one of the good players on the team, and then they ultimately quit. However, what these athletes should be doing is taking that frustration of not playing much and bring it into the gym to practice and train every day to become the star athlete he/she has always dreamed of. 

This is one problem that I found interesting in sports/athletes, and I want every athlete to know that giving up is like taking the easy way out, and that is not what a true determined person would do. This goes for non-athletes as well, never give up on something that brings out the right energy in you. 

Here are some more reasons as to why to not give up on your athletic dreams:
