Predicting What's to Come for Athletes

With Coronavirus and all the craziness that this year has brought us, many athletes have had their seasons cancelled, leaving them without the sports they live and die for. Not being able to play the sport an athlete has grinded and practiced their whole lives for is tough, and may have disadvantages on their skills and playing abilities. 

Practicing with teammates and playing against opponents are the main ways athletes stay on top of their game and it is what makes them happiest. Not all sports were cancelled for everyone because every state was affected differently by the virus, but for those athletes whose seasons were cancelled or postponed it is upsetting. 

However, I believe with all the free time these athletes have had without playing in their normal seasons, they have taken their own time to better their games and train/workout on their own or with family/friends. So although without playing competitive games, I believe many player's skills have gotten better and they have gotten more in shape throughout this odd time due to the amount of work these athletes have put in on their own. 

When the time comes back to where all sports are back and everyone's back to their normal athletic routines of practicing, training, and competing I predict that most players will be so excited to be back to the sport they love playing and will play their hearts out because they have not been able to experience sports for a while now. 

Let me know what you guys think!

For more information regarding the Coronavirus' effects on younger athletes visit the following link:
