Starting to Play Sports at a Young Age (A Little Rant)

For the many years of playing sports in my life, I have learned that starting to play a sport at a young age is very helpful in developing an athlete's game and has major advantages to making an athlete a better player in the sport they play. Starting to play sports at a younger age helps to teach athletes the fundamentals of the sport and allows them to enhance their skills for many years before competing in a more competitive nature, like high school or college. 

I began playing sports at age four. At that age I began playing baseball and basketball. I was able to learn the two games slowly at a younger age and build on my knowledge of the sports and improve my skills for each year I played after. I found this to be quite beneficial for my overall game in the sports. Playing with a wide variety of other players and teams gave me the opportunity to play with all different types of players and build the relationships needed to make a successful team. Playing with other players, each having their own skillset and different type of game style taught me more about the game than I would have expected. Practicing and training with my team made me closer with each of them and made me love each sport even more. 

If it were me, I would most definitely recommend starting to play sports and train to become better at the sport at a young age rather than older. Starting at a younger age also helps to build the muscles and strengths needed to become an advanced athlete. It takes time to get stronger and get in shape for sports, but when starting at around the age of four like I did, I never had trouble staying in shape and remaining in peak performance for the sports I participated in. 

What do you guys think?

For some more insight, visit Dr. Michelle Cleere's blog to read more on the pros and cons of starting sports at a young age. 
