The Return

Injuries in sports are most of the times unavoidable, but are devastating and very hard to recover from, especially if the injury is more severe than others. No matter how good of shape you are in, how good you are at the sport, or how great your team is, unfortunately injuries happen. Professional athletes get injured just as the average athlete does. The most difficult part about getting injured is the return to the sport and rehabbing the injury. 

The more severe the injury the longer it takes for the injury to heal and get back to where it was prior to the situation. The best athletes are the ones who are able to come back from injury/surgery from their sport and be just as talented as they once were or even better. Determination and motivation is what distinguishes those athletes that come back stronger and those who come back not any better or even worse from their injury. 

My advice for those who have been injured in the past or if you get injured in the future is to seek proper treatment for the injury from medical experts and take the proper steps to get healthy again and return to the sport. Do not get unmotivated from being injured, take this as an opportunity to plan and take action to become an even better athlete. Giving up on yourself will not help at all. It will take time to heal from worse injuries (tearing ACL/MCL or breaking a bone), but if you take all the time you have to recover properly you will be in perfect shape for your RETURN. 

For more information on Derrick Rose's comeback visit:

Included in the following link are exercises recommended for athletes with sports injuries: 
